With this serie "face to face" Nina Urlichs research behind our expressions as if to find
answers to his own questions. Coherent in her approach, this artist who had already seduced us with the subtle play of
of his transparencies shown in 2015, here she plays again on the full, the empty between the light and shadow, by superimposing the lines of calligraphic drawings. Subject is here the uncertainty and fragility of our representations. This is refelcted perfectly on the paper support, as the traces and prints in a sober but expressive palette transposes our emotions.
We are the subject of Nina Urlichs. She is interested in our feelings and what our face says about them, when we remain deludedly silent. Nina Urlichs, through the work of her successive strata, does not evade any of the great questions of
today's issues: the place of women in our societies, ecology, nature and human destiny.
By putting us "face to face" with them, she is still waiting for our answers.
"Piero Cavalleri" - Passeart Gallery 2017